Sunday, September 20, 2009

Aidan & Baylee

So I talked my cute cousin Stephanie in to letting me practice on her kids! So we headed off to Wheeler Farm to take some pictures of these little cuties. They were so good and extra cute. I had a great time spending time with them and I think they had a great time running around and checking out the sites. Thanks again Stephy. ENJOY!

Right after I took this picture Baylee crashed and burned hard core! She was such a trooper and after some loves from mom she was back up and at it.

So lets just say I won't be making an appearance on "So you think you can dance" in the near future since these guys were cracking up at my dancing moves.

I love how much her nose is mushed up against his cheek!


Stephanie said...

Oh my heck I can't wait to see them all! You hardly had to "talk" me into taking pics! You are so stinkin good. I love them! You are the best! Thanks again.

Aaron/Kami said...

THose turned out so cute Em! And... they are stinkin cute kids!!!

Kristylee said...

Holy cow! Cute overload!