Sunday, February 8, 2009

Food Storage Update!

Okay so I thought I would put the tips and suggestions off of the food storage websites I talked about in my previous post and see if it was worth it to me. Okay so this week I planned a menu which is something I have been trying to do this year anyway and then off of that went and figured out which of the items were on sale and what I needed for these dinners and then made sure I listed the sale prices on my grocery list so that walmart could get the price match. So for my first time doing it this way I saved $24.04 off of my regular weekly grocery bill. I think that is pretty great personally. Then I went through and figured out what items I wanted to buy for my food storage and by buying on sale items and then having walmart price match I saved $52.45. So for a grand total $76.49 this week in savings. That is nuts! Well just thought I would share. I personally I feel like it was totally worth the extra time it took to plan this all out. I am way excited to see what I can save next time I go to the store.