favorite holidays. BBQ, fireworks,and parades
all in 100 degree temps. Who could ask for any
more fun?
So I have tried over the years to be one of those
fun mom's that do fun things on holidays. Well
this is my 4th of July attmept at Red and Blue
pancakes to start the day our right...Mmmmmm
So Yummy!
Here is a shot of each of our little ones at the
parade. It was so HOT but we all survived and
came home with a grunt load of treats and candy
that was thrown from the floats. Salt Water Taffy
Here are the girls petting a horse that happened
to be passing by on the parade route. Such a
cute little horse!
So in Grantsville after the parade they have a Carnival of sorts at the park! They have tons of fun rides, games,and food along with live bands. This was a family favorite. Check out Alyssa she made it all the way to the top. Not pictured but we came home with 3 new pets gold fish!
So that night after parades, park and BBQ's we
finally made it back to the park for fireworks. Aidan
slept through the entire show. He must have been
dang tired because it was sooo loud. Poor Baby!
This is Holly and Avery back at our house that
night for...Yep you guessed it more fireworks.
Seriously how much more can we pack in to one
Aidan finally woke up for the killer driveway
fireworks show put on by Ron and my bother
in law Matt! They are such Pyro's!
Avery and G-ma K at the fireworks at our house.
Alyssa was baptized on Saturday
morning! I was sure we would never
be up and ready in time after our
crazy day before but here she is looking
as beautiful as ever!
Ron and Alyssa at the baptism. Such
a special day.
Grandpa's and Alyssa at the baptism.
Alyssa and Grandma-K at the luncheon after
the baptism.....Just for a side note my mother
in law was giving me a hard time the other day
because she says there are no pictures of her on
my blog. So here you go! Love ya Barb!!!!