Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Baby Talk

I have realized in the last couple of days our family has began to baby talk more than usually. I blame one cute little individual for this occurrence ( see below for the cuteness). We are saying things like you want a "ba ba" or where is your "nigh nigh" or do you want a "nack" or go find your "brrrmmmm". What is happening to us?? How have we started to evolve into these creatures of only 2 syllables? Can we ever go back? Will we ever have a conversation again that isn't some kind of foreign code. I am sure there is no permanent damage being done, so for now we are going to just enjoy this time in our lives. "luv, luv"!

Okay I had to throw this anyone out there the youngest in your family? Did you have to suffer these indignities of your older siblings dressing you up like a dog or cat? Or coloring on you or your face or just general torture from the older siblings that they are oh so good at dishing out? I know I was an oldest so it was or so I thought great to be able to pick on the little ones. Poor little guy!!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hahahaha....I can relate to the baby talk around the house. I still love the way Aidan says some of his words so I don't correct him. Not only that but my whole entire family (my mom, sister,and brother) included you them. Like fregot (forgot) renember (remember) and grill (girl).
The pics of AIdan are hilarious. He doesn't look like he minds too bad. Atleast not yet! lol