Sunday, August 2, 2009


This has been a busy summer yet again. Here are somethings we have been up to that I am finally have time to post. This is long and there are lots of random tidbits in no particular order.

As every summer I enroll my kids in swimming lessons. They love it and I like it because they are learning something that could potential save their lives. BUT by the last lesson I am worn out, Aidan has had it and the kids are ready to be done. They both did a great job this year and really did have a lot of fun.

For Averys Birthday she wanted to take her BFF Brianne to the Children's Museum for a day of fun. We headed in on July 24th and due to the holiday I thought it is either going to be packed or totally dead. I am glad it was the latter, I was able to sit on a bench and just watch them have a good time with out worrying about one of them getting lost.
This is Alyssa and her BFF Halli also at the children's museum having a great time.
Avery thinks that she is a cowgirl on most days so of course it was fitting that she went and found the cowgirl stuff to dress up in.

Okay for a long time Avery has wanted her OWN watering can. She usually goes over to the neighbors and borrows theirs because I don't have one. So this year I bought her, her very OWN for her birthday. Look how happy she is....silly girl!
We have spent a lot of time outside this year just hanging out in the yard. Aidan LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to be outside and he usually finds a shovel or something to get dirty with. Boys will be boys.

We also had a our annual Wayman Family Picnic/ Grandma Waymans 86th Birthday Party. Avery and my Grandma share the same birthday so it is a lot of fun. Here is little Miss Sydnee watching the kids play at the park. Don't you love the curls?
This isn't really a picture of anything great other than I don't have many pictures with me and my kids because I am usually the one behind the camera. I like this one, I have no clue what we were looking at or when this was taken?? Ron must be a pretty good spy.

This is a picture of my cute little nephew Roman. Don't you love those big blue eyes. SOOO CUTE!
Here is the Birthday girl along with my nephew Portor who also had a birthday in the month of July getting ready to blow out the candles on the cake.

Aidan loves to put on any ones shoes that are lying around and tromp around the house. Silly boy!
We also had a Family Reunion this summer with the Knutson Clan. Here is a picture of Alyssa taking a swing at the pinata.

This is the pinata pre-beating....this thing would not break it seriously took FOREVER and than I think finally someone ripped the side of something so it would finally break. We had a lot of fun watching the kids take turns and waiting patiently for their candy filled surprise. Good Times.

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