Monday, February 2, 2009

Food Storage

So I know that I should already have made a new year resolution and broke it now even. Well I am a little behind in the game so I am making a mine today Ground Hogs day is a holiday so I figure it counts. Holiday=Resolution right? Anyway, I have really been feeling like I need to get back on the band wagon with food storage. I had a pretty good head start at one time when we lived in our old house but when we moved I hadn't done that great of a job rotating it and so I had to get ride of a lot of it because it was going to expire. And then when we moved into our new house I didn't have shelves built to put my food storage on so just shoved what I had left into my pantry and since I had more cupboards then I knew what to do with since my kitchen was now bigger I just filled them up. Well needless to say a year has gone by and I am barely getting around to getting back to getting my food storage plan back in order. I have come across a fantastic website and blog that I thought I would share in case anyone else is up for feeling inspired. This girl is my food storage hero. Check them out ; or Wish me luck and I will keep you posted!!!!


sweet pickles said...

I subscribe to this, it's awesome! Good luck with your food storage.

Aaron/Kami said...

Way to go Em. I need to get motivated too!

Heather said...

It is a good idea to get the ball rolling with food storage. I do like to eat....