Friday, September 19, 2008

Our Crazy World!

Okay, I just had to take a minute and just get a few things out there that have been bugging me, or I guess on my mind a lot. First of all I realize that I along with my family we are very, very blessed and in turn very,very grateful for all the blessings we have. I have had a great life and have great friends and family.

So while I have been living my great life I guess I have formed some kind of a bubble around me and just recently realized how very naive I am. So on with what has been bugging me, let me begin with saying I am not really one that watches talk shows on TV. I for one don't really care what the famous are doing in their spare time but will watch on occasion when they actually have topic that they are discussing. Anyway it happened to be one of those days that Oprah was have show about something instead of about someone so since I was feeding the baby and was basically stuck for 1/2 hour decided to watch. The topic of the show was about Internet predators and sex abuse of a child. I am not going to go into any kind of detail as to what the show discussed I am sure you could hop onto and pod cast it if you are dying to watch it but let me just say I didn't even make it 1/4 the way through the show and I was so sick to my stomach I was sure I was going to vomit. I had to turn it off I decided I wanted to be educated about this I am after all a mother with small children and maybe watching I will do better at protect my children from this kind of evil. All I can say is thank goodness for DVR because I hit the record button and got back to it later and it was educational but it kept on bringing me to think. Why? Why do innocent precious children have to endure the evils of this world in such a way? And most of all what can we do about it? Well after finally finishing watching the show later that week Oprah did throw out there that there is a bill going before congress called the "Protect our Children Act Bill 1738" and to write to your congressmen and urge them to pass it so that the government agencies that are working on tracking these awful people will have the resources to do it. So I guess I was feeling a bit froggy that day and good old Orin Hatch received an email from little old me. Anyway it has just been bugging me ever since I just want to save each of these children which I know is impossible but hopefully by me giving my two cents will make the difference. I don't know it shows me that Satan is so strong and getting stronger all the time.

The other thing that has been on my mind lately is that a good friend of ours was killed in a freak car accident on Friday leaving his wife and eight children. It of course as death always does brought me back to the realization that we are going to live together and how grateful I am for this as I am sure is our dear friends wife to have the surety of the gospel in our lives. And even though the sting of death is strong now and will be for a long time to come what peace and comfort that must bring to her and so many others at this time.

That is all for now I just had to ramble for a bit. I am stepping off my soap box.


Aaron/Kami said...

Em- I watched that Oprah too. I had like an hour conversation with Aaron about it because I was so disgusted. I can't believe stuff like that happens....

It all began here said...

Em, There are some crazy things that happen in this world! I know that Heavenly Father must be so disappointed in the choices we makes, espacially when they harm someone that cannot protect themselves.

I also, know that he provides us with inspiration so that we can help. I think the best thing we can do is love each other and help when we can.

Yes, it is so sad, but part of the plan.

Man I hate free agency.....j/k

Natalie said...

I saw the 1st 15 minutes of that Oprah too (must be feeding time for everyone!) and I also almost vomitted. I decided that I am never letting either of my 2 kids out of my sight. OK, that might be overreacting, but how can people do things like that to little innocent babies??? How bad is the world going to be when our kids grow up?

It all began here said...

Ok, let me go on record! My comment sounds so harsh! I did not see the oprah show. And just reading natalies comment makes me want to delete my comment. Really why would Oprah put something on TV that would be so bad?

Maybe I should see something before I comment.....

Mackey Family said...

I too watched that Oprah episode which is odd cuz I am not an Oprah fan. My eyes were surely opened. It's so sad to think of those innocent children. I too wrote a lovely email. It's not much but what else can we do???

Teresa said...

Emily~ You are doing the right thing by raising your kids in a safe and loving home. It may not seem like much to write one email, but think of all the others that did the same and how powerful people can be when we unite to help each other. I watched for ten minutes and had to turn it off. But I think educating ourselves is the best form of protection!

Sharane said...

I didn't see that show, but I have seen some on that subject before and it literally makes me sick to even think about it! Also, so sorry you lost a good friend. Thank goodness for the gospel.

Love ya!

-Sharane :)