Tuesday, September 30, 2008


For those of you who have ever had the wonderful experience of nursing a baby will know exactly what I am talking about. Just recently Aidan has cut 2 RAZOR SHARP teeth. It is so cute to see his toothy grin but it is not so cute to wonder if I am going to need stitches by the end of each feeding. All I can say is OUCH!!!! I have tried giving him the what for when this happens but he just giggles. So not funny, I am hoping in the very near future that he will realize that tears I am crying are not tears of joy and lay off, until then I guess I will tough it out and if all else fails the bottle will become his fast friend.


Aaron/Kami said...

I'm so glad Syd has no teeth! You need to put some pics of your little guy with those teeth on your blog!

Sharane said...

OWEE! I have sooo been there!
I am not looking forward to that with Isaac! Your blog looks way cute!

Love ya!

-Sharane :)

Jenn said...

Your kids are getting so big....especially Aiden! He is sooo cute! Yeah, I'm with you on the teeth while breastfeeding....I'm not there yet; but I'm sure it's just around the corner! NOT FUN!