Monday, October 12, 2009

Small Town Life

So everyday on the way to the best babysitter I have ever met I drive by this HUGE alfalfa field. And they had those great big sprinklers that water the whole field. For those of you who live in a small town you know what I am talking about right? So every day I drive by this huge field and ever since the temperature has changed there has been the most awesome site every morning. So one day I remembered to bring my camera with me and took a few pics...I couldn't resist! Every time of year I look forward to this time of year and this is just one of the many reasons why. Beautiful!


Stephanie said...

awesome! I love this time of year too! I wish we could really have Fall for a while. It always seems to go too fast in Utah. Straight to winter we go!

Heather said...

Nice! You could add these to your photog portfolio.