Sunday, April 19, 2009

Goo losh!

This post is just some randomness of pictures I have taken throughout the month of April and haven't had time to go through until just now. Hence that is why I have named this goo losh! Enjoy!

The other day I was at temple square and I am sure like many of you I marvel at how beautiful the flowers are there. It is almost like because they are planted on holy ground they grow better or maybe it is because they have some kick butt Gardner's either way.... it is beautiful.

Here are my little darlings at a family Easter egg hunt we had at Ron's Parents. It was a lot of fun with lots of yummy food! The kids had a blast and ended up with tons of loot.
I think Aidans basket weighed more than him.

Okay if Aidan could talk I think he would say his favorite time of the day is his bath time. He loves it! Don't get me wrong I am glad because really as they get older they don't share in as much joy as this little guy. The downside to this is he is very unhappy when we take him out! Here are some pics took of him having a great time.

Earlier this month Avery had a little performance at her elementary school for their end of the year kindergarten program. She had a great time and did a great job.

Okay for some reason I feel the need to pack in as much into my life as I possibly can just to see if I can make myself just a little more crazy than I already am. Please see exhibits A and B below. We had promised our girls we would give them bedroom makeovers and they would even get to have the creative licence to do what they wanted with in reason. So they made their plans and put me to work. Lets just say it was a lot of nights painting but I think it turned out great. In these pics there are still some finishing touches that were not up but I was so sick of doing it I thought I would at least document my victory and get back to that stuff when I have the time. Alyssa's room ended up being a Hannah Montana theme...she loves it, I think it is cute but am concerned that next year she will want something different. Avery ended up picking a Tinkerbell theme I am not nearly as worried about her changing her mind she is happy with whatever. I wish I would have taken before pics...oh well! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Emily, you make me sick. How the crap do you do everything? The girls' rooms look amazing!